in pursuit of a peaceful life

I am a therapist, wife, mother, + follower of Jesus on a journey to create a peaceful life.

my search for peace

if you are anything like me, then peace can sometimes feel fleeting. between a seemingly never-ending to do list, social engagements, and the anxiety that likes to live rent free in my body… peace has at times felt like a fickle friend. but i know that an anxiety-filled life is not the life we are meant to live. in John 14:27, Jesus says:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

i for so long have read that verse and internally sighed- as a follower of Jesus, i want to experience the peace He has given to me! and yet so often, i am not living in that peace. so off i have gone on a journey over the last few months…a journey to find peace.

now i want to make something clear…. i cannot muster up enough strength to create my own true peace. i can foster environments for more peace- like a clean home, a healthily created schedule, and harmonious relationships. BUT. if i am not walking with Jesus daily, intentionally, genuinely…. i will not experience lasting peace. a peace that surpasses understanding. so even if i end up discussing my favorite decluttering tips or my favorite recipe for breakfast casserole that makes meals less stressful for me on this blog, i want you all to know: that won’t ultimately bring me peace. it won’t ultimately bring you peace. but i know in my heart that a relationship with Jesus can and will bring that peace we all so desperately long for.

so if you don’t know Jesus personally, i’d encourage you to try reading the book of john in the Bible- and just be open to exploring who this Jesus guy really is. and if you already know Jesus- i encourage you to really dig in…spend some time with Him. He holds the peace you’ve been longing for.

who is this blog even for?

frankly, whoever will read it! but i’d imagine if you’re a woman, a mom, a wife, a Christian, someone who wants a simpler life, someone who likes going to therapy, someone who struggles with clutter or a chaotic schedule, someone who loves coffee and music and all things creative… you might fit in! but all kinds of humans are welcome here, and i hope all kinds of humans will give this blog a try!

if you’ve made it this far, i also just want to say: I am far from arriving in the arena of having a peaceful life, although i am slowly but surely learning a thing or two about what makes my days more peaceful. if you are reading in this in hopes of finding a master of peace…you have come to the wrong blog. however, if you’re interested in stumbling along with me on this journey of discovering how to foster more peace in your home and your heart… i think this blog could be a good fit.

p.s. i hope you’ll all cut me some slack when this blog isn’t blogger perfection. i truly do not know what i am doing here- but i hope what i share can be helpful and entertaining! even if the entertainment value is purely due to my lack of blogging skills.